Frequently Asked Interview Questions

CSharp DotNet Interview Questions and Answers Part-3

CorDBG – command-line debugger, and DbgCLR – graphic debugger. Visual Studio .NET uses the DbgCLR. To use CorDbg, you must compile the original C# file using the /debug switch.
It points to the object that’s pointed to by this reference. Object’s instance data is shown.
In debug compilation, assert takes in a Boolean condition as a parameter, and shows the error dialog if the condition is false. The program proceeds without any interruption if the condition is true.
Use Debug class for debug builds, use Trace class for both debug and release builds.
The tracing dumps can be quite verbose and for some applications that are constantly running you run the risk of overloading the machine and the hard drive there. Five levels range from None to Verbose, allowing to fine-tune the tracing activities.
To the Console or a text file depending on the parameter passed to the constructor.
Attach the aspnet_wp.exe process to the DbgClr debugger.
Positive test cases (correct data, correct output), negative test cases (broken or missing data, proper handling), exception test cases (exceptions are thrown and caught properly).
Yes, if you are debugging via Visual Studio.NET, just go to Immediate window.
Presentation (UI), business (logic and underlying code) and data (from storage or other sources).

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