Frequently Asked Interview Questions

Interview Questions on State Management

FAQS on ASP.NET StateManagement
State management is the process by which you maintain state and page information over multiple requests for the same or different pages.
Asp.Net Pages are destroyed and re-created with each round trip to the server; therefore, page information will not exist beyond the life cycle of a single page.
ASP.NET provides multiple ways to maintain state between server round trips this can be either client side or server side.

Client Side State Management options:
Storing page information using client-side options doesn't use server resources.
  • View state
  • Control state
  • Hidden fields
  • Cookies
  • Query strings
Server side state management options:
  • Application state
  • Session state
  • Profile properties
  • No server resources are required.
  • Simple implementation
  • Performance considerations
  • Potential security risks
  • Depends on browser compatibility

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