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Simple SiteMinder Guide Why should SiteMinder be important to you?

If you have an intranet or plan to develop one, you will need provide a way to use the internet to deliver ubiquitous access to your policies and procedures, personnel and employment announcements and other "Agency centric" intranet information. The very best way to do this is to leverage NDS and provide your users the ability to login to your intranet using their same Novell ID and password.

What's involved?
A small piece of software resides on your web server. It understands what pages are part of your intranet site(s) and intercepts url requests for them. These requests are held and a transaction is sent to a policy server that handles the authentication through LDAP to the NDS tree. The user is given a login page and asked for an ID and password. Once authenticated, the user's request for the protected intranet site / page is then sent back to the agency intranet web server.

Who controls the agent software?
How is ITS involved?

The agency controls the rules and policies implemented by the agent and have administration rights to change it's behavior. ITS will assist you in setting up the agent that communicates with the policy server.ITS has no continuing involvement or control.

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