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How to setup your site so it uses SiteMinder Security

There are 9 Steps in this process. Prerequisets You must use IIS, or Netscape web servers. Are you protecting an existing web server that can’t go down? If so skip to the second set of instructions.

1st Set of instructions

Step 1. Obtain a copy of the Siteminder Agent.
Step 2. Install your web server.
Step 3. Publish your content to the web server.
Step 4. Install your web agent.
Step 5. Work with ITS to create the Agent, and Realm configuration.
Step 6. Login to Siteminder,Setup your rules.
Step 7. Setup your policies.
Step 8. Setup any responses required and associate them with rules in the policy.
Step 9. Enable the Webagent.
            Netscape: Edit the Webagent.conf
            IIS: Use Siteminder agent Util.

2nd Set of instructions

Step 1. Obtain a copy of the Siteminder Agent.
Step 2. Create a new web server with a new IP address.
Step 3. Publish your site to the web server.
Step 4. Create an entry in your host file with a test name. Ie
Step 5. Install your web agent.
Step 6. Work with ITS to create the Agent, and Realm configuration.
Step 7. Login to Siteminder.
Step 8. Setup your rules.
Step 9. Setup your policies.
Step 10. Setup any responses required and associate them with rules in the policy.
Step 11. Enable the Webagent.
              Netscape: Edit the Webagent.conf
              IIS: Use Siteminder agent Util.

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